Sunday, November 1, 2009


It's time for me to admit that I really need a kick in the rear to start writing again. The universe is oddly in tune with my needs, as the very same day I decided to rev up my blogging skills I then learned is the start of Nablopomo. So, I shall blog for the next thirty days. Yes, even on my birthday. Hmm, I must write to the founders of Nablopomo to petition for a different month next year. November is a notoriously packed month for this girl. Hey universe, I said I needed a kick, not a sideswipe with a car! Okay, fine, you're right, I totally need this challenge.

Speaking of my packed month, here are a few of my favorite things coming up in the next thirty days. Favorite of course can be interchanged with undeniable or awful but worth the sacrifice. There all the same here.

1. The fat flush diet starts. I refuse to exit my twenties at my heaviest weight. And yes, I know all the research on detox diets. I just like the spelled out meal plans.

2. Speaking of, this month I turn thirty. Or twenty nine for the second time. You know, whichever.

3. Thanksgiving! Where my husband and I get to be child wranglers for several hours while attempting to prevent our children from destroying my aunt's house. This is much harder to do after ingesting your body weight in sweet potatoes and marshmallows.

4. Preschool meetings, classes, fundraisers and committees galore.

5. Um. Hmm.

6. I know! Wait, that's Christmas. Which is December, no matter what the retail world wants us to think.

7. Yes, I'm totally cheating and making my list look bigger. SO WHAT.

8. Oh yes! Dinner with lovely people at a lovely restaurant where we will dine on several thousand courses of lovely food.

9. Did I say I'm turning thirty?

10. Writing one of these every day.

See, self? This will be easy.

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